Posts Tagged ‘ return ’


I decided now that were pretty much settled in besides a few minor things, I’m currently borrowing Kyle’s laptop. So I decided I would post something here in the mean time, YAY!

Science is indeed perhaps the love of my life, I honestly don’t get more excited over much else. Shit if we were to land on Mars? I dunno what I’d tell my wife or child if they asked what the happiest day of my life was as I lay on my death bed because they will be disappointed. I’ve already met some amazing people out here, people that put even my fragile intellect to shame.

I’ve met a mathematician, a biologist, a microbiologist with a minor in neurology. And they all like to get drunk, as good college students should. Shit is cash out here, truly. But I guess that could be said about anywhere if one were to live on or very near a university.  I mean honestly I had probably some of the deepest conversations I’ve ever had with Adam and Trent. Boy do I love a good conversation, and some of the things the people were talking about went over my head but I at least pride myself that though I might not know the finer mechanisms of what they said I understood the bigger picture.

I’m dumb and I say that with my ego showing, for it is who I am. I’m sure you can tell much by reading this that I barely have a grasp on writing, I merely write unfortunetly for you my dear readers, how I would imagine myself to speak it. Oh well, I like science much more than english. But honestly I am dumb, while I would like to hold a doctorate I dont know if it will ever happen, truly these are terrifying times. I am dumb in the sense that I will never know as much as I should, I am dumb because I listened to people whom I shouldn’t have when I was a wee lad and I am dumb because I’m applying to retail jobs out here.

But I am not away enough to not talk about the final space shuttle launch. I got really sad when I watched the video of it, but at the same time I was proud of all that we had accomplished even though it really is not much anymore. People will argue with me, but come on we landed on the moon and now we put up “stuff.” The computing power that got us to the moon and back my phone blows away (DROID SAYS) and while now the space sector is going privatized I really hope they push us forward once more. Because saying we haven’t done anything is false and it hurts myself.

I know I’ve said this in my last blog post but people who believe NASA is done are dumb and not in the same way as I. Do I believe that NASA  might be phased out one day? Potentially. But I dont see it being for a long time, perhaps not even in my lifetime (author admits this could be wrong.) But people actually believe that there isn’t any reason to leave Earth? to leave our solar system? To learn what makes us, us and to push the limits of both the human condition and mindset? To set aside our differences and humbly admit that the universe is much larger than all of us?

I’ve read that 55% of Americans don’t know that the sun is a star. Now I’ll be the first to admit that the number seems high, perhaps tricking people into it? But you know what? I just don’t know anymore, I talked about the anti science movement in America last time as well. And I WILL stand by that, I’m afraid that we are reentering a dark age of sorts. Where it’s commonplace to have all of you’re info and shit taken off the internet, you’re phones monitored, walking through x-ray machines at the airport and no one cares. But if you want to right defective genes so that children don’t die (sensationalist card played)through gene therapy, or vaccinations, or stem cell research HOLY SHIT do we have a problem.

People are fucking starving because their forced to eat white rice, which has nearly no nutritional value. But oh man the shit storm if you try to make it so rice produces vitamin A so that they AT LEAST don’t go blind. I think that it’s a huge problem, free range, anti pesticide bullshit. “but pesticide isn’t good for you” pardon my French but fuck you okay? Do you know how many people don’t starve because insects aren’t eating AT LEAST 10% of the stuff we grow? I think that it’s completely irrational that because people have an unfounded fear about stuff they don’t understand that they want millions more people to die of starvation.

I’m pro-science and I’m all for humanitarianism and in fact I find the people who aren’t to be fucking disgusting. That were here stuck on this rock with people that honestly don’t care about other people, that how a cow or chicken feel is more important than the things they can offer. I’ll tell you what I bet those cows live life as best they can just like all of us, but the thing is the farmer takes care of them because they are profit. How often does a cow starve? I could go into some political diatribe here but I wont, instead I’ll keep it on topic. The fact is life sucks, and until you make a better mouse trap that shit isn’t going to fly, I’m sorry.

Now that I got that off my chest I think I’m going to go apply to more jobs, so I can squeak by in life.